Saturday, December 31, 2005

looking a bit better

movie time
Originally uploaded by skyec.
Hi all, just a few minutes for another update before I head back to the hospital (Carla's with Aidan now).

Aidan was asleep when I returned last night and slept right through to 10am (and so did I!). He looks a bit better today. The pits around his eyes don't look as dark and the left side of his face seems to be less swollen. The nurse today thought that the welling on his gums is down a bit too. He hasn't had any fevers and is feeling well in all other respects. This is all good news but it isn't enough positive progress to let him come home. The folks at the hospital really want to make sure that everything is firmly under control before releasing him.

While he is still quite sore he is now able to raise his upper lip enough that we can actually see what's going on in there. His right tooth has clearly moved and you can really see the swelling on his gums. I wish all this was so clear when we first looked at him on the 26th.

Carla called a few minutes ago to report that he has been napping for a few hours and had enjoyed a good quiet afternoon with only one minor scare (a toy fell on his had where the IV needle goes in). Iain and Austin paid him a visit earlier in the afternoon but they are back home with me now.

I'm going to return for my shift now so that Carla can return an partake in the New Year's celebrations tonight (I'm happy to curl up with a book).

I don't have any new pictures today. I messed up my memory card somehow and lost today's first batch of pictures. The day's not over however so I hope to get some more that I can upload tomorrow (and let's hope that the ones from tomorrow AM will show some real visible progress!).


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