Sunday, January 01, 2006

home at last

home at last
Originally uploaded by skyec.
We're pleased to report that Aidan has been discharged and is now home. We'll be continuing with the antibiotics orally and will be following up with the specialist at Children's on Tuesday.

Last night was rather quiet though we did get to see a bunch of fireworks. There is a park close to the hospital so it was like having front row seats. Aidan was up for them and quite enjoyed it. He's now very busy catching up with all his toys and is very happy to be home!



Anonymous Anonymous said...



5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Aidan:

Happy New Year to you and your family! Glad to hear that you are finally back and safe at home again. You must be so happy to be back home. All your family and friends must be glad that you're back. I know you are going to get better really fast. It was good to hear that all of your doctors at the hospital we’re impressed with you and how you handled yourself! You are really one tough and strong boy! You should be proud of yourself. Good job! Take care and have fun,
- Aaron…

9:22 PM  

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